Posted By:
Steve Parcell
Integrative Cancer Support
Dr. Steve Parcell Supplements: (once results are achieved lower doses can be taken) High dose multivitamin mineral (all the B vits plus minerals) DHA 300 mg CoQ10 100 mg to 300 mg Alpha lipoic acid timed release 200-300 mg N acetyl cysteine 600 mg/day Phospatidylserine 100 mg Vinpocitine 5mg twice a day (do not take if on blood thinner) Vitamin D 400 iu to 10,000 depending on blood levels Tests: Oxidative Stress Test FIA 5000 (intracellular nutrient analysis) Homocysteine (toxic to the brain) Fatty acid analysis (show levels of good and bad fats in your body) Antigliadin antibody test (gluten sensitivity test) ApoE genotype (Athena diagnostics, genova): there are three types of ApoE genes. ApoE2, ApoE3 and ApoE4. Apo E2 and ApoE3 are considered good because they function as important antioxidants in the brain. ApoE4 is closely correlated with Alzheimer’s disease, other neurological problems and has no antioxidant function. The purpose of testing is so that optimal preventive strategies can be implemented. C reactive protein. This is a marker of inflammation. The higher the number is the more likely it is that your brain is under free radical attack. Sleep: Get at least 7-8 hours per night....