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  • Posted By:

    Steve Parcell

  • Category:

    Integrative Cancer Support

Brief History The predecessor of naturopathy may have been the great Jewish philosopher Maimonides (1135-1204) who, in contrast to many of his medical colleagues, downplayed the importance of drugs and surgery and argued that diet, exercise, and mental outlook were the keys to vibrant health. A court physician to the royal family in Cairo, Egypt, his book Preservation of Youth, espoused completely natural methods. Written for a dissolute young pr...
  • Posted By:

    Steve Parcell

  • Category:

    Integrative Cancer Support

We have all heard it so many times, exercise is good for the heart, keeps you slim, and makes you feel good. But I find that people forget just how good exercise is at slowing down aging. Have you ever wondered if your intense exercise program was shortening your life? Could raising your metabolic rate over time lead to accelerated aging? According to the medical literature…apparently not. In fact most of the research indicates that sports such...
  • Posted By:

    Steve Parcell

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Andropause, somatopause, and other age related hormone changes in men. By the time men are between the ages of 40 and 55, they can experience a phenomenon similar to menopause, called andropause.  Alternative names for Andropause have been suggested including the Male Menopause, Androgen Deficiency in Aging Male (ADAM) and Partial Androgen Deficiency in Aging Male (PADAM)[i].  Unlike women, men do not have a clear-cut benchmark such as ...
By Steve Parcell, ND Study: Different Hormone Therapy Formulations May Pose Different Risks for Heart Attack and Stroke We at NatureMed, especially Kelly Parcell, ND, in Boulder are known for doing quite a bit of natural hormone replacement. Here is a post from Cedars Sinai demonstating that what we have been saying for years is trure. Natural hormones are safer. Post-menopausal women whose doctors prescribe hormone replacement therapy ...
  • Posted By:

    Steve Parcell

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By Steve Parcell, ND I had to write about this today as I heard about the crisis in Flint, MI again in the news. As a certified expert in chelation I think I know something about lead.The media is not talking about how to mitigate the lead levels IN PEOPLE only the water. This needs to be discussed. A book could be written about the deleterious effects of lead on humans but lets just put it this way...its bad. Lead is a very toxic heavy meta...