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    Intravenous Therapy

What is Chelation and How Does it Work Using chelation therapy for the treatment of heart disease is still considered to be an experimental treatment even though the most recent study showed benefit. Chelation therapy is FDA only approved for toxic metal poisoning and hypercalcemia (a condition of too much calcium). Chelation literally means "to chemically bind to." Chelation can be administered either orally or intravenously but oral bioavail...
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The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene tested more than 3000 samples of consumer products during lead poisoning case investigations recently  and almost 40% of the samples had very elevated levels of lead. The highest concentrations of lead were found in spices purchased in the countries Georgia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, and Morocco. Make sure you ask where the spices are from before you buy. From: J Public Health Mana...
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An article in The Lancet, a respected medical journal, details how blood lead levels are a greater risk factor than smoking and all the other risk factors too like hypertension andsedentary lifestyle...but smoking. Seriously this is a big deal. Urinary heavy metals testing is the most accurate way to asses these metals. It should be done after a detox IV. STUDY:
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    Denise Clark

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    Immune Support

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By Denise Clark, ND Chronic health conditions can be complicated by many factors, including, lifestyle, diet, multiple infections, and immune dysfunction.  One area that can be overlooked in some highly sensitive individuals is Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). Traditionally, MCAS was considered a rare disease generally focusing on the mast cell mediators tryptase and histamine and the blatant symptoms of flushing and anaphylaxis.  New ...
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    Integrative Cancer Support

Denise Clark ND, RND As the days get longer and we experience more sunny days its time to protect our skin from the damaging effects of intense sun exposure in Colorado. A recently published study found that our eating habits could affect aging and the prevention of skin cancer. A study in mice from the O'Donnell Brain Institute and UC Irvine shows that eating at abnormal times disrupts the biological clock of the skin, including the daytim...